Why to register a company?
Have you been thinking about the business registration process requirement for all types of business? Not all business sectors requires the registration process especially the small scale sectors. Rather than small industries the above average business types should register their business including the company’s incorporation, registering with the tax authorities, obtaining trade name activities etc. So simply the business organization need to be registered with the initiation of “Doing Business As” or DBA.
DBA- “Doing Business As”
Companies can be registered legally for the safer transactions in future by clearing the required steps. Business enterprises may be newly or already established and completed with the company incorporation procedures wants to name their business must follow this DBA. Company’s legal name should be the name of the person or the business organization, otherwise the rename process again follows the DBA.
Do all business types requires DBA?
DBA process varies for the country or city were the business is live for the business registration process. The general rule for the businesses need to follow DBA are:
- Partnership Company’s or Sole Proprietorship based companies
If you start business without using any real name then DBA is need to be followed for the registration.
- LLP Company or the existing businesses
If your business is already been established and incorporated wants to change the company name then DBA process is followed.
Simply the DBA process is for obtaining a recognition but it is not equivalent to trademark registration process for the business types. So trademark protection is different from DBA for the company’s asset and transactions
Company incorporation
Here comes the view of legal form of company registration in LLP, Partnership or any other form. Simply the business structuring in which the Private limited companies are the common type in India.
Get the license and other permits
By contacting the government bodies the license requirement for the respective business types are important. Any business in different sectors have their license procedure to perform their regular activities and it is the rule to follow by the government perspective.
Tax authority registration
Business owners who are wanted to pay the tax factors for their business activities should be maintained by obtaining the rights or permit from tax authorities.
So company registration is the ultimate requirement for the business organization to make sure their actions in the market is safe. Legal support for the business sectors is important to avoid problems in public and with the tax authorities. Kindly the sectors in which the business enterprises who are required to register their business can contact expert from Corproots Bangalore anytime.
Great article. Thank you for sharing in-depth knowledge for company registration.
Thank you for sharing this informative blog with us.